Tuesday, October 31, 2006

# 199 Half Moon Over Mora

The moon is very special to me, I'm always stuck trying to figure out how to capture what I see, everything changes so quickly; clouds blow by, and the moon sinks, all with very little patience. Oil 10.00" x 15.00", to purchase email jon@jonconkey.com . JLC


David Lloyd Smith said...

Hi Jon.

This one is magical.

Jon Conkey said...

Hi David, Night scenes are "hit and miss" with me it seems. My attempts to capture what nature offers at night around here, have me standing for hours outside staring up at the sky trying to see color in darkness: Thank God I live in a place where folks cannot witness my strange nocturnal behavior trying to paint a full moon.

william wray said...

pretty good mood on this one.

Jon Conkey said...

Thanks William, I thought I would try the palette knife as a brush for a change.