Wednesday, December 06, 2006

# 224 Backhills

Red cedars and pinion pines with the snow melting at their feet. Oil 6.00" x 7.00" email to buy.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jon its me Isaac and we just met. I like your paintings. I cant figure out your email but im glad I met a skateboarder/slash surfer/slash/snowboarder/slash/painter.Later man.

Anonymous said...

Hey its Isaac. Im glad we met. Your really a cool guy. Thats cool that your involved in so many things such as skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, and painting. Ill look forward to hering from you. Later man

Jon Conkey said...

Hi Isaac, Kudos...glad I ran into you too. "Real boarders never stop boarding", you will apply the physics's a knowledge. I will definitely be in touch, when I get that gear together; if not sooner. Later